Research Projects | 210 Publications | 21 Patents

Ban on Plastic Bags

NUST actively promotes environment-friendly practices at all of its campuses. The use of plastic bags at all stores inside NUST was banned on account of their negative impact on the environment and has long been replaced by eco friendly alternatives.

NUST launches E-Office

In order to reduce paper-work, an online minuting system “NUST E-office” has been launched since July 2019 for paperless processing. This has not only made internal processing time extremely efficient but has also reduced the use of paper in each office, resulting in huge savings of paper and resources.

Rawal Dam Cleanup Drive

NUST Environment Club in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Islamabad Metropolitan, held its Water Conservation and Clean-Up Drive at Rawal Dam, inviting everyone to spread a little love for the environment right in time for Valentine’s Day. Having been marketed adroitly on social media handles, the event titled as ‘Safai Ki Kashti’ was met with excitement all around and the prospects of enjoying the scenic views, exploring the park and getting to enjoy boating on dam made everyone far too eager to take part.